February 8, 2025


From Linda Curran of Trauma101.com
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a late-stage, trauma resolution method.  Developed in the late 1980’s, EMDR currently has more scientific research as a treatment for trauma than any other non-pharmaceutical intervention.
Based on empirical evidence as well as thousands of client and clinician testimonials, EMDR has proven an efficacious and rapid method of
reprocessing traumatic material. EMDR appears to assist in processing of traumatic information, resulting in enhanced integration – and a more adaptive perspective of the traumatic material.
The utilization of EMDR has been shown to eliminate the need for some of the more difficult abreactive work (i.e. reliving the trauma), often associated with the psychoanalytic treatment of a variety of conditions, including generalized and specific anxieties, panic, PTSD symptoms (such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks), dissociative disorders, mood disorders and other traumatic experiences. So, theoretically, EMDR is about integration- bilateral hemispheric (right/left brain) integration; triune brain (brain stem, limbic system and cerebral cortex) integration; and at least some type of mind/body integration, but practically, it’s about convincing the mind and body that the traumatic event is, indeed over. EMDR helps to put the past in the past, where it belongs, instead of staying stuck in it (feeling like it is happened all over again in the present-with the same thoughts, emotions and body sensations- that accompanied the event in the past).
If you would like to learn more about EMDR or would like to schedule a consultation, please click the “schedule appointment” button to the right or call 484-693-0582.
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